CSC Episode 6: Web of Death/Life Month 1 (Cover Date January 1995)

Episode VI: Web Of Death/Life. This episode is a mini-milestone! Mary Jane has big news, Ben is fighting a Kraven Son, Kaine lurks in the shadows! Sal Buscema artwork gets inked by Bill Sienkiewicz! (Not a joyous day there) Steven Butler is gone for an arc! Join Zach, Gerard, Josh, and newcomer Jason H as they tackle the cover the cover-dated January 1995 issues that were released starting on November 1, 1994.Issues that were covered in this episode:Web of Spider-Man 120 (Web of Life Part 1)Amazing Spider-Man 397(Web of Death Part 1)Spider-Man 54 (Web of Life Part 2)Spectacular Spider-Man 220…