Tag: Kaine
Make Mine Mayday Episode 09: Spider-Girl 12-17 Audio Edition

Kelly and Zach return to the Spider-Girl title to tackle the next 6 issues of the series. In this episode they will talk about:DarkDevil is a jerk! Fun and Games with A-NEXT! Defeated and Disgraced… by a NAME CALLED KAINE SWINGING AND SLAMMIN WITH SPEEDBALLDOUBLE SIZED SPECTACULAR! (Once a Web-Slinger…!)Learn about the first time it was to be Cancelled! WHATS IN THE BOX?! Find out!
CSC Episode 74: Spider-Verse

New Episode! Zach is back with the final 2000s episode of Clone Saga Chronicles. He covers why it’s been a while since we last saw an episode, mentions some changes in regards to his past associations, and of course in this go-around, he is covering the 2015 Spider-Verse storyline, which has a lot of Ben, Kaine, Mayday, and Peter Parker. Zach’s focus is on Ben and Kaine aspects of the story, as the Mayday Mondays Gang covered it in their 10th episode. I would encourage you to listen to both, as it gives a more complete picture. ITEM: We are…
CSC Episode 70: Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider & Spider-Geddon

In 2016, Ben Reilly returned. We hated it. Covered in Episode 62, we discussed the story that brought about the return of the character… and while I hated that story, I attempted to give it a shot, especially when Josh and I interviewed him in Episode 64. So, Zach goes through the 25 issues of the storyline, before jumping into the Spider-Geddon Story Arc that ran from Oct-December 2018. (Effectively catching up from every appearance in Spider-Clone-related stories). So, enjoy the final solo effort, at least for now before we resume our regularly scheduled programming.
CSC Episode 60: Spider-Man: Redemption

Zach and Gerard return to discuss Redemption, which ran for four issues, chronicling the final confrontation between Kaine, Ben, and Janine, which was the final Ben Reilly Mini-Series that came out before Revelations. They then are joined by a surprise co-host towards the end. Also in this episode: discussion of rumors about a new Ben Reilly series, and reaction to Ben’s return in Clone Conspiracy.Next Time: The Not-So Final Adventure, then… Clone Conspiracy.
CSC Episode 55: Scarlet Spider & The New Warriors
CSC Episode 47: Ultimate Clone Saga Part 3

Sorry for the extended delay folks. More Ultimate Clone Goodness coming your way! Episode 47 covers the double sized USM 100 and it’s aftermath in 101. Zach, Josh, Don, Gerard and Jason are joined once again by Teenaged Wasteland: An Ultimate Spider-Man Podcast. Anyway, 2 episodes left on this event, coming to you soon! Episode 48: USM 102 and 103 Episode 49: USM 104 and 105 Following our event, we will have a special 2-hour edition of CSC’s 50th episode, covering Blood Brothers!