Tag: Ben Reilly
MAFEX No. 143 Spider-Man Ben Reilly Review

Ben Reilly is getting a lot of love lately in the comics so it’s fitting that Medicom, under their Mafex toy line, join in, creating one of their best Spideys to date! Similar to his “brother” Peter, Ben comes in a red-framed window box, allowing you to see all the included accessories. I love the Marvel character box in the upper left corner, giving it that comic book feel. As with Peter (Mafex 75), Ben gets his own unique art, complete with dialogue balloon. Various logos, Ben’s spider, and shots of the figure posed adorn the sides of the box,…
Spideydude Experience Episode 29 Audio Edition: ASM 876-877
New Amazing Spider-Man Team announced, Zach has some thoughts.

The Banner above was brazenly put upon the Cover to Spectacular Spider-Man 229, back then MJ and Peter were leaving to start their family, in Portland Oregon. At the time, the change was intended to be final. Ben Reilly was going to pick up the mantle and run with it. Yesterday, Teasers started to be sent out: Earlier today, Marvel released a press release informing everyone of their intentions for the post-Nick Spencer-Led AMAZING SPIDER-MAN. While they teased things on social media yesterday, the fact of the matter is simple: Ben Reilly is returning, as Spider-Man. So after 25 years,…
Make Mine Mayday Episode 17: Spider-Girl 44-47 Audio Edition
Make Mine Mayday Episode 13: Darkdevil 1-3 Audio Edition
CSC Episode 70: Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider & Spider-Geddon

In 2016, Ben Reilly returned. We hated it. Covered in Episode 62, we discussed the story that brought about the return of the character… and while I hated that story, I attempted to give it a shot, especially when Josh and I interviewed him in Episode 64. So, Zach goes through the 25 issues of the storyline, before jumping into the Spider-Geddon Story Arc that ran from Oct-December 2018. (Effectively catching up from every appearance in Spider-Clone-related stories). So, enjoy the final solo effort, at least for now before we resume our regularly scheduled programming.
CSC Episode 68: What IF?!…. And More!

In the first new Episode of 2019, Zach Tackles a HodgePodge of issues dealing with either, Ben Reilly, Mendell Stromm, Scirer, and more. A whole BOAT LOAD of issues are covered and they will be here for you to listen to! The next two episodes are going to be Solo Efforts, like this one. Look for more soon. Then, after these two, the first HALF of Revelations! YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS IT.