Amazing Spider-Man Classics Season 2 Episode 2 (Legacy Number: Episode 46)

Welcome back, Web-Heads, to the all-new, all-different Amazing Spider-Man Classics! Join your new hosts, Jack Trujillo and his dad, Javi Trujillo, as they take a look at the amazing comics that shaped Spider-Man! Jack, a high schooler who is familiar with the Spider-Verse, has never read the stories that launched Peter Parker! So, his dad is going to correct this oversight!  This time, the duo discuss the debut of two brand new villains-Doctor Octopus and Sandman! That’s right! Father and son are gabbing about Amazing Spider-Man #3 & #4. These stories are so big they fill up the entire issue…

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Voices from the Eyrie – 30 – New Perspectives: City of Stone

Then we are joined by Neal Powell of “Whelmed: The Young Justice Files”, and Zach Joiner of to discuss “City of Stone”, fleshing out villains, the story’s utilization of history, what other cartoon shows were doing at the time; and more. Join us on Patreon for the Video Edition! Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Audible, Spotify, and your podcatcher of choice! Follow us on Twitter at: @FromEyrieFollow “Whelmed: The Young Justice Files” on Twitter at: @theYJfilesFollow Neal Powell on Twitter at: @JoatmoniacFollow Zach Joiner on Twitter at: @spideydudeFollow The Spidey-Dude Radio Network at: @spideyduderadioListen to “Whemed: The Young Justice Files” at Whelmed: The…

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Sal Buscema Era Podcast EP15: Spectacular #150

GUILTY Or Innocent Unfortuantly Robbie Roberston is found GUILTY of his crime in the trial with Tombstone. Weird as Him and Tomby would be come brother in laws in the current run of Spider-Man as Randy is engaged to the Beetle 2 TOmbstones daughter But I digress. Hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast. Guilty Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Sal Buscema Inker Sal Buscema Colorist Bob Sharen Letterer Rick Parker Editor Jim Salicrup

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Voices from the Eyrie – 29 – The Gargoyles Fandom: Then and Now

Happy New Year! We open this show by discussing the latest NECA news from the tailend of 2022. We also chat with Greg Weisman about #2 of the new Dynamite Gargoyles comic book, offering our first impressions; and Greg explains why Angela’s gone back to her classic outfit. Comic Spoilers from 6:25 to 37:15. We then sit down for a discussion with some old friends, and fans from the earliest days of the fandom: Gorebash (owner and webmaster of Station Eight and Ask Greg), Christine Morgan (fanfiction author turned professional), and Karine Charlebois (artist of “Gargoyles: Bad Guys”). We discuss…

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Sal Buscema Era Podcast Episode 14: Spectacular Spider Annual #8

We have a two part episode this month due to some technical difficulties. You will get the first part now with the Annual tied to the Evolutionary War story line happening across all the Marvel Annuals. Zach the head of the SPider network joins me for this episode of Spectacular. Return to Sender Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Mark Bagley Inker Keith Williams Colorist Bob Sharon Letterer(s) Rick Parker Editor(s) Jim Salicrup

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Sal Buscema Era Podcast Episode 13: Web # 48 and Spectacular #148

We are at the end of our coverage for INFERNO the Crossover with the X-Men titles and my cohost Drew agrees these are the better issue to talk about than the Baby sacrifice underboob clone mess over in the X Books. Enjoy as we are about to dive in to some weird Hobgobline Demonic possession zombie stuff. Eyes of the Demon Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Alex Saviuk InkerKeith Williams Colorist Janice Cohen Letterer(s) Rick Parker Editor(s) Jim Salicrup Night of the Living Ned Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Sal Buscema Inker Sal Buscema Colorist Bob Sharen Letterer Rick Parker Editor Jim…

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