Voices from the Eyrie – 30 – New Perspectives: City of Stone

Then we are joined by Neal Powell of “Whelmed: The Young Justice Files”, and Zach Joiner of Spidey-dude.com to discuss “City of Stone”, fleshing out villains, the story’s utilization of history, what other cartoon shows were doing at the time; and more. Join us on Patreon for the Video Edition! Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Audible, Spotify, and your podcatcher of choice! Follow us on Twitter at: @FromEyrieFollow “Whelmed: The Young Justice Files” on Twitter at: @theYJfilesFollow Neal Powell on Twitter at: @JoatmoniacFollow Zach Joiner on Twitter at: @spideydudeFollow The Spidey-Dude Radio Network at: @spideyduderadioListen to “Whemed: The Young Justice Files” at Whelmed: The…