Sal Buscema Era Podcast Ep 6: Spectacular #141

We are back talking about the first time I ever knew who the Punisher was is from this issue here. The Punisher was front and center on this cover of Spectacular and I was too young to understand how badass he really was.  “The Tombstone Testament” Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Sal Buscema Inker Sal Buscema Colorist Bob Sharen Letterer Rick Parker Editor Jim Salicrup

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Voices from the Eyrie – 18 – Metamorphosis

Greg Weisman joins us to discuss the passing of David Warner; and news out of San Diego Comic Con ’22 including new action figures from NECA, from Beast Nation; and… what was that again? A new comic book written by him being published by Dynamite Comics!!!!!!!! We then talk about conceptual development of Catscan to Talon as well as Gen-U-Tech; casting Rocky Carrol as Derek Maza and Talon, casting Tim Curry as Dr. Anton Sevarius. The theme of characters fooling themselves looms large, and Xanatos at his most dastardly. All of this and more. Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts,…

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Clone Saga Chronicles Episode 76: The End of An Era… The Final Episode.

It’s the End of an Era here on the Spideydude Radio Network. The Final Episode of Clone Saga Chronicles. This isn’t easy for me to type or write, nor was it easy to edit or even create this episode. We recorded this back in late April or early May and because of that, there will be some dated references. This episode is a tribute to our show, a tribute to the saga itself, and a tribute to the guys whose lives have changed in so many ways. Clone Saga Chronicles wasn’t the first show I did. That honor would be…

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Voices from the Eyrie – 17 – Leader of the Pack

Both Supervising Producers of Gargoyles, Frank Paur and Greg Weisman, join us to discuss transitioning into the second season. We also talk about Frank directing the episode, the evolution of Coyote, tricking the audience, Jean Paul Sartre and much more. Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Audible, Spotify, and your podcatcher of choice! Follow us on Twitter at: @FromEyrieVisit Jennifer L. Anderson’s online stores at: Angel Wings and Demon TailsVisit Greg Weisman at: Ask GregVisit Frank Paur at: FrankPaur.comEverything you ever wanted to know about Gargoyles at: GargWiki

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Sal Buscema Era Podcast Ep 5: Spectacular #140

We are back with the second part of the original TOMBSTONE story line in the issue of Spectacular Spider-Man we are covering. This time we are joined by the cohost of the Hack/Slash Podcast GOTH GIRL HORROR Charsie Lux, as well as Leo from his network. KILL ZONE 7/88 Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Sal Buscema Inker Sal Buscema Colorist Bob Sharen Letterer Rick Parker Editor(s) Jim SalicrupGlenn Herdling

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Spider-Men Council Meeting 1 Spidey Movie Pitch

Hey, Spider-Friends! Javi here! I’m not sure if you’re aware, but Peerless Paul Hermann has a little show called The Comic Binge that you can catch on the YouTubes! Every week, he Chris “The Reverend” Clow, and a guest take a deep dive into a series. Spinning out of that idiosyncratic idea, Paul lit the Spider-Signal across the interwebs and, lo, the Spider-Men Council was born! Joining Paul & Chris in their quest to #ReadMoreComics are Neat-O Nikko Carruso, the Spidey-Dude himself, Zach Joiner, and Happy Javi Trujillo! For the inaugural episode, Paul tasked us with pitching where we’d want…

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Voices from the Eyrie – 16 – Reawakening

As we dive into the first season finale, Keith David (Goliath, himself!) joins us, alongside Greg Weisman, to discuss how he got into acting, taking on the role of Goliath, his involvement with the fandom; and bringing Goliath from a brooding pessimist just trying to survive back to a heroic protector who regains his optimism. We also discuss the casting of Michael Dorn as Coldstone, just how fargone Demona has become; and Greg’s approach to open-ended closure. Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Audible, Spotify, and your podcatcher of choice! Follow us on Twitter at: @FromEyrieFollow Keith David on Twitter…

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Sal Buscema Era Podcast Ep 4: Spectacular #139

We are back with a kicking off a major story line that is connected all the way to the current issues of Spider-Man and current issues at the time of recording. Tombstone debuts here and we got a roller coaster ride of back plot with Robbie Roberston. Grave Memory Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Sal Buscema Inker Sal Buscema Colorist Bob Sharen Letterer Rick Parker Editor Jim Salicrup

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