Sal Buscema Era Podcast Ep #19: Web of #54 and Spectacular # 154

We are back with two more issues being covered continung this weird Mutant Werewolf Gang War with Chamelon and Kingpin and Tombstone and more. With Web of Spider-Man #54 and Spectacular Spider-Man # 154. The Wolves of War Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Alex Saviuk Inker Keith Williams Colorist Bob Sharen Letterer Rick Parker Editor Jim Salicrup Claws Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Sal Buscema Inker Sal Buscema Colorist Bob Sharen Letterer Rick Parker Editor Jim Salicrup

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Spideydude Fan Fiction- A Daughters Love

Hey everyone, so Kelly and I were sent some lovely fan fiction on Make Mine Mayday, and it was entirely too long to read on air. So enjoy this! -Zach Written By: Professor Enscanor Characters based upon Marvel’s Earth-982April never truly felt like she belonged. Robbed of a life that another lived. Used by the man whotortured her family for years. Living with her own double under the roof of parents who saw heras nothing more than a nuisance. The poor girl had it rough, to say the least. When mother’s dayrolled around she was scared, almost. Not knowing if…

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Voices from the Eyrie – 31 – High Noon

We also discuss our first post-City of Stone episode; Demona and Macbeth’s unexpected and sudden return, how Demona takes to transforming into a human during the day; Salli’s chemistry with Keith David in, not one, but two-roles, and so much more. But first, we discuss the latest developments on the NECA action figure front and give our first impressions of the fourth issue of the Dynamite Gargoyles comic book! Comic Spoilers from 4:40 to 19:08. Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Audible, Spotify, and your podcatcher of choice! And join us on Patreon for the Exclusive Video Edition! Follow…

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Make Mine Mayday Episode 45: Mr. & Mrs. Spider-Man, Spider-Man Family, & More!

One of the things we set out to do was be as comprehensive as possible when it comes to looking back at the series and all the stories that are Spider-Girl related. As a result, we’re covering several issues in this episode that aren’t always easy to find, or maybe people who just read the Series have no clue about. As a result, this special long-form episode of the podcast will tackle the following stories that were largely in anthologies that were published at the time. Stories Covered in this episode with the issues they were published in: Spider-Man Family…

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Spideydude Experience Episode 56: Amazing Spider-Man 913/914 Review Audio Edition

Books Reviewed in this Episode: Amazing Spider-Man 913 & 914 (Vol V 19/20) News Discussed on this Episode: Marvel Legends Pulse Live Stream! Zach and Crew are back talking about the two-issue guest arc written by Joe Kelly with Artwork by Terry & Rachel Dodson. Black Cat and Spidey go on a romantic getaway, with some hijinks ensuing. Will there be ties to the overall storyline? Will Twitter Melt Down? Find out what the guys think…! ABOUT SPIDEY-DUDE.COM & THE SPIDEY-DUDE RADIO NETWORK: was created in 1998 as Spideydude’s Spider-Man Page, before becoming, morphing into the current URL…

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Sal Buscema Era Podcast #18: Web of Spider-Man #53 & Spectacular Spider-Man # 153

Good Evening Every One today we are covering TWO more issues of Spider-Man from this era as they are tied together thru the Gang War Lobo Brother plot line and joining me for this episode once again is Drew Mollo. Web #53  “Wolves in the Night” Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Mark Bagley Inker Keith Williams Colorist Bob Sharen Letterer Rick Parker Editor Jim Salicrup Spectacular #153 Siege Writer Gerry Conway Penciler(s) Sal Buscema Inker Sal Buscema Colorist John Wilcox Letterer Rick Parker Editor Jim Salicrup

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Spideydude Experience Audio Edition #55: The Dark Web Finale!

Zach, Neil, Adam, & Paul are back to discuss the FINALE of DARK Web. Witness the rise of Chasm, or is it the descent? What’s next for the series? What shall come after? A new announcement also occurring. Books Reviewed in this Episode: Amazing Spider-Man Volume 6 # 18 (#912) & Dark Web Finale 1 Note: Want to give a big thank you to the hard work of Neil Bogenrider on the graphics. I know he had a blast doing them and please give him a bit of love for them. I want to thank him for his help on…

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Make Mine Mayday Episode 44: Amazing Spider-Girl Finale (Issues 28-30) Audio Edition

This is it: The final episode of our AMAZING SPIDER-GIRL coverage. Zach and Kelly will take you through to the end of the series and what was going on behind the scenes at the time. Books Covered in this Episode: Amazing Spider-Girl 28, 29 & 30. They also tackle the mythical issue 31 since Zach messed up the thumbnail, and take you on the ride for the start of the Spider-Girl Digital Era of books. #makeminemayday #makeminemarvel #marvelcomics #comicbooks #comicbookreviews #amazingspidergirl #spideyduderadionetwork #spiderman #peterparker #normanosborn ABOUT MAKE MINE MAYDAYMake Mine Mayday was created by Kelly McDaniel and Zach Joiner to…

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