Books that are Discussed in this Episode: ASM Vol 6 47 and 48 Zach Returns to talk about his favorite subject: Chasm. In this discussion of the latest ASM two-parter, Zach is joined by his gang of misfits to talk about his favorite new character of all time. Plus: New Marvel Legends! CREDITS:HOSTS: Zach Joiner & Adam SchingleGRAPHICS BY: Neil BogenriederPRODUCER: Neil BogenriederEXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Zach JoinerCO-FOUNDERS, SPIDEY-DUDE.COM: Zach and Dee JoinerCO-FOUNDERS: SPIDEYDUDE RADIO NETWORK: Zach Joiner & Joshua Lapin-Bertone ABOUT SPIDEY-DUDE.COM & THE SPIDEY-DUDE RADIO NETWORK: was created in 1998 as Spideydude’s Spider-Man Page, before becoming, morphing into…

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Spideydude Experience Audio Edition #55: The Dark Web Finale!

Zach, Neil, Adam, & Paul are back to discuss the FINALE of DARK Web. Witness the rise of Chasm, or is it the descent? What’s next for the series? What shall come after? A new announcement also occurring. Books Reviewed in this Episode: Amazing Spider-Man Volume 6 # 18 (#912) & Dark Web Finale 1 Note: Want to give a big thank you to the hard work of Neil Bogenrider on the graphics. I know he had a blast doing them and please give him a bit of love for them. I want to thank him for his help on…

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