CSC Episode 5: Back from the Edge/Exile Returns Month 2 (Cover date December 1994)

90s Daredevil is here again in all his armored glory for this episode! Meanwhile Ben Reilly defeats the manace of Venom in a very creative way. This episode is the second half of the Back From the Edge and The Exile Returns story lines that ran in covered dated issues of December 1994. They were released weekly starting on October 4th 1994. Brandon DP and Gerard join Zach and Bertone and talk Back From the Edge and Exile Returns. Another MARRRY JANNNNNNE. (The original gag that we had on the show.)
Issues covered in this Episode include:
Web of Spider-Man 119
Amazing Spider-Man 396
Spider-Man 53
Spectacular Spider-Man 219

Original Tag: “The third month of the “Clone Saga” is discussed by the Spideydudes after a Thanksgiving break. Extra long blooper reel at the end to make up for the break. Enjoy!”

Re-Release Date: Dec 24, 2011

Zach Joiner

Zach Joiner

Zach Joiner is the co-founder of the Spideydude Radio Network and the Co-founder of the website that hosts it, He hosts the Spideydude Experience on YouTube (and your favorite Podcast Catcher) He Co-Hosts Make Mine Mayday with Kelly McDaniel on YouTube, as well as the Patreon First Show BOOKS of X with Neil Bogenrider He hosted Clone Saga Chronicles, was a Co-Host on Spectacular Radio, & Mayday Mondays, and helps run things here on the website. If there is a problem, reach out on Twitter @spideydude or @spideyduderadio or on Instagram @spideydudenetwork or Email is [email protected]

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