ASM Classics Episode 19: Amazing Spider-Man 26 and 27

Bring back!  Oh, bring back!  Oh, bring back my Goblin to me!  Welcome again to Amazing Spider-Man Classics where this episode, Jon, Josh, and Donovan take a look at the only two-part Green Goblin story that Steve Ditko gave us.  And along the way, we are aided and abetted by the one and only J.R. Fettinger, a voice on the Spider-Man Crawl Space podcast panel and also the author of the Spidey Kicks Butt website.

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CSC Episode 72: Revelations…Part Four & Osborn Journal

There is a sense of the beginning of the end of this show. Peter Parker: Spider-Man 75 was the first time I had read a comic starring Peter Parker that wasn’t a tie into the cartoon (Adventures of Spider-Man) or a back issue since my very first issue, Spectacular Spider-Man 223. It was an introduction to Norman Osborn that I had only seen in the 90’s show, that leveled him to the top of the food chain in terms of Arch-villains. It’s one of, if not my single favorite issues of Spider-Man of all time, notwithstanding other issues such as…

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