Tag: Donovan Morgan Grant
CSC Episode 26: The Lost Years (Aug/Sept/Oct 1995)

THE LOST YEARS is perhaps the most definitive Kaine story, the most Ben Reilly story in comics. The story takes place in the intervening five years of when Ben Reilly was on the road. It takes place in Salt Lake City and explains the story in detail of the events that led to Peter Parkers arrest in Amazing Spider-Man 400 and the Trial of Peter Parker. You’ll meet important characters here like Jennine, Louise Kennedy and more. One of the best stories we covered here.
CSC Episode 24: The Greatest Responsibility (Oct 1995)

The gang of CloneHeads (Don, Gerard, Zach and Bertone) are back in a new episode talking about the final story that featured Peter Parker as the star of the Spider-Man titles before Ben Reilly would headline the books from that point onward. (Scarlet Spider replaced Spider-Man for two months… Before putting Ben Reilly as Spider-Man two months later)Merry Christmas folks, a little early… from the CLONE HEADS.Issues Covered in this episode:Amazing Spider-Man 406Spider-Man 63Spectacular Spider-Man 229
CSC Episode 23: Scarlet Spider (Vol II) #3-5 (Mar/Apr/May 2012)
CSC Episode 22: Time Bomb (Cover Date: Sept/Oct 1995)

TICK TICK TICK… Peter’s Strange behavior comes to a head. Join Zach, Josh, Don, and Gerard as the Clone-Heads wade through the “epic” storyline! New Warriors show up! Mary Jane is hunted down! Kaine’s vision of the future is now! Will Mary Jane survive? Well, judging from that cover…Issues Covered in this Episode:Spectacular Spider-Man 228Web of Spider-Man 129
CSC Episode 21 Scarlet Spider (Vol II) #1 & #2 (Jan/Feb 2012)

Back in 2011, Zach met Joshua and Donovan at San Diego Comic Con 2011. There, they encountered an image of a Burning Blue Hoodie. What could it be? Well, it would become this book. The 2012 Scarlet Spider Title by Chris Yost and Ryan Stegman is covered in this episode. Zach, Don, Josh, Gerard all review the title’s first two issues.
CSC Episode 20: Exiled Part Two (Sept 1995)

After a near-year wait for the second half of this story, we return with the second half! Thanks to a website crash, and self-hosting, we are back. Issues covered in this episode:Spider-Man 62Spider-Man Unlimited 10**Carries the banner of part 4, but not really related to the story.Missing this episode is the first part of Time Bomb, covered two episodes from now. The gang picks up where Episode 19 left off with Bertone, Zach, Don, and Gerard talking about the second half of the story. More dramatic readings. More talk of the absurdity. All of this leads us to the next…
CSC Episode 19: Exiled, Part One (Sept 1995)

Zach is joined by the retooled team of Bertone, Gerard, and Don. They discuss the first half of Exiled, a storyline that filled in some gaps between the relationship of Ben and Seaward Trainer. Peter also begins to exhibit strangeness, building towards the two-part story known as Time Bomb. The first of two episodes covering the Exiled Arc.ISSUES COVERED IN THIS EPISODE:Web of Spider-Man 128Amazing Spider-Man 405 Original Tag: “Back to our regularly scheduled program! The gang is back to take a look at the aftermath of all the Maximum Clonage messes. Blood will be spilled (seriously listen to the…