Spideydude Experience Episode 92 (ASM 53/54 Review) & SDCC RECAP Audio Edition

Zach & the Crew finishes up the finale of the Spider-Goblin! Books Reviewed in this Episode: ASM Vol 6 #53 & #54 Main Covers Below: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #53 & #54 (Legacy #947/948)Written By Zeb WellsPencils By: Todd Nauck and Ed McGuinness (issue 53)Ed McGuinness (Issue 54)Inks By: Todd Nauck & Wade Von Garwbadger (Issue 53) Mark Farmer, Mark Morales, Wade Von Grawbadger and Ed McGuiness (Issue 54)Colors by: Marcio MenyzLetters by: VC Joe CaramangaEditor: Nick LoweAssociate Editor: Tom GornemanAssistant Editor: Kaden McGaheyEditor in Chief: CB CebulskiSPIDER-MAN CREATED BY: STAN LEE & STEVE DITKOVariant Cover Artists: Gabrelle Dell’Otto (interconnecting) ABOUT SPIDEY-DUDE.COM…