MAKE MINE MAYDAY Episode 32: Last Planet Standing! Audio Edition

After being saved from cancellation once again, Marvel commissioned new mini-series set in the MC2 to market to the Scholastic Digests. Among these was LAST PLANET STANDING… the sequel to LAST HERO STANDING. What Lies in store?

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Sal Buscema Era Podcast Ep9: Spectacular #144

On this weeks episode of Spectacular Sal we talk about Peter on tour for his book and running into his future roommate The Boomerange. Yes these two eventually become roommates in Nick Spencor run on Spider-Man weird stuff. . “An Ill Wind…” Writer(s) Gerry Conway Penciler(s) Sal Buscema Inker(s) Sal Buscema Colorist(s) Bob Sharen Letterer(s) Rick Parker Editor(s) Jim Salicrup

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Voices from the Eyrie – 22 – The Silver Falcon

Legendary comic book writer, Cary Bates, joins us to discuss working with Greg Weisman at DC Comics, moving over to writing television and both guests talk about crafting this Broadway solo film noir mystery story. And while discussing this Organized Crime story, both Gregs talk about their respective grandfathers’ connections to the fine world of waste management. This is a fun one, folks! Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Audible, Spotify, and your podcatcher of choice! Follow us on Twitter at: @FromEyrieVisit Jennifer L. Anderson’s online stores at: Angel Wings and Demon TailsVisit Greg Weisman at: Ask GregEverything you ever wanted to…

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Voices from the Eyrie – 21 – The Mirror

Brent Spiner joins us to talk about his career, his voice work, other times he did the voice of Puck, and then we all discuss our history with and love of William Shakespeare. Then we talk with Greg Weisman about his personal favorite single episode of the series, “The Mirror”. We talk about introducing Puck and the Children of Oberon; moving the Goliath/Elisa relationship forward, the trio’s desire to not be ‘the other’; Demona’s hatred and jealousy for Elisa; why Elisa cannot permanently be a gargoyle and why Goliath cannot permanently become a human and so much more. This is…

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Sal Buscema Era Podcast Ep 7: Spectacular #142

Today we look at Spectacular Spider-Man # 142 WILL which has a lot of Drama and a “final” fight with Tombstone and the Gwen Clone returns. COhost on this episode is LEO Pond from the Dorkening Network. WILL Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Sal Buscema Inker Sal Buscema Colorist Bob Sharen Letterer Rick Parker Editor Jim Salicrup

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Voices from the Eyrie – 20 – A Lighthouse In the Sea of Time

Writer & Story editor, Brynne Chandler, joins us with Greg Weisman to talk about this seminal episode. We discuss what literacy means to her, Paul Winfield as Jeffrey Robbins, recaps that give away too much, Macbeth’s feelings on Shakespeare’s play, the origins of that title, who taught Goliath how to read, and so much more. Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Audible, Spotify, and your podcatcher of choice! Follow us on Twitter at: @FromEyrieVisit Jennifer L. Anderson’s online stores at: Angel Wings and Demon TailsVisit Greg Weisman at: Ask GregEverything you ever wanted to know about Gargoyles at: GargWiki

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Voices from the Eyrie – 19 – Legion

We also pay tribute to the late Nichelle Nichols, voice of Diane Maza. Please note that this tribute was recorded at a later date than the rest of the podcast and as such we are joined by Cary Bates who you will hear more from on our upcoming discussion for “The Silver Falcon”. Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Audible, Spotify, and your podcatcher of choice! Follow us on Twitter at: @FromEyrieVisit Jennifer L. Anderson’s online stores at: Angel Wings and Demon TailsVisit Greg Weisman at: Ask GregEverything you ever wanted to know about Gargoyles at: GargWiki

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