Spideydude Experience Episode 20: ASM 864 Audio Edition

Zach and the Gang will Tackle the next chapter of the ASM title: 864. (Legacy #63) This time, Tombstone and Robbie Robertson are face to face with their worst nightmare: THEIR KIDS. While Kingpin continues to wreak havoc on Spidey’s life. Will we see a resolution? Time Will Tell.

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Spideydude Experience Episode 19: ASM 863 Audio Edition

Welcome to the 19th episode of the flagship show on the Spideydude Radio Network, The Spideydude Experience! This episode covers issue 62 “Wag the Gog” Where there was a letter was published. This episode has the regular rotation of panelists for the show: Zach Joiner (@spideyduderadio), Neil Bogenrieder (@quilsniv), Paul Hermann (@Hermann_22), and Adam Schingle (@enchiladalegs) before doing a deep dive into the stories. We hope you enjoy, leave a like, share and subscribe, and click the notification bell icon to be updated when a new episode debuts, or follow our social media and join our discord for more: https://www.facebook.com/spideydudera​……

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Spideydude Experience Episode 18: ASM 862 Review Audio Edition

Welcome to the 18th episode of the flagship show on the Spideydude Radio Network, The Spideydude Experience! This episode covers issue 62 “Wag the Gog” Where there was a letter was published. This episode has the regular rotation of panelists for the show: Zach Joiner (@spideyduderadio), Neil Bogenrieder (@quilsniv), Paul Hermann (@Hermann_22), and Adam Schingle (@enchiladalegs) before doing a deep dive into the stories. We hope you enjoy, leave a like, share and subscribe, and click the notification bell icon to be updated when a new episode debuts, or follow our social media and join our discord for more: https://www.facebook.com/spideydudera​……

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Spideydude Experience Episode 16: Spideydude Experience 16: #savespectacularspiderman & ASM 861 Audio Edition

Welcome to the Audio Edition of the Spideydude Experience in this 16th episode of the flagship show on the Spideydude Radio Network, this episode will be in two sections:Part 1: Zach delves into the Spectacular Spider-Man Cartoon’s creation, and the demise, and the fan-driven hope for revival. Excerpts from Spec This episode covers issue 60 (Legacy number 861) “No Exit” by Nick Spencer and Mark Bagley This episode has the regular rotation of panelists for the show: Zach Joiner (@spideyduderadio), Neil Bogenrieder (@quilsniv), Paul Hermann (@Hermann_22), and Adam Schingle (@enchiladalegs) before doing a deep dive into the stories. We hope…

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Spideydude Experience Episode 15: Negative Space Part 2 (ASM 860) Audio Edition

Welcome to the 15th episode of the flagship show on the Spideydude Radio Network, The Spideydude Experience! It’s an episode that covers the next issues of the Amazing Spider-Man comic that launched its 5th volume in 2018 with Nick Spencer, writer of CAPTAIN AMERICA, & THE SUPERIOR FOES OF SPIDER-MAN. This episode covers issue 59 (Legacy number 860), Negative Space, Part 2. This episode has the regular rotation of panelists for the show: Zach Joiner (@spideyduderadio), Neil Bogenrieder (@quilsniv), Paul Hermann (@Hermann_22), and Adam Schingle (@enchiladalegs) before doing a deep dive into the stories. We hope you enjoy, leave a…

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Spidey-Dude Experience Episode 14: ASM 859 “Negative Space Part 1” Audio Edition

Welcome to episode 14 of the Spideydude Experience! It’s an episode that covers the next issues of the Amazing Spider-Man comic that launched its 5th volume in 2018 with Nick Spencer, writer of CAPTIAN AMERICA, & THE SUPERIOR FOES OF SPIDER-MAN. In this episode, they will cover a few news topics: 1) Spidey gets a new Costume!2) What’s going to come out in April 2021? 3) Zach talks about the new figures maybe coming soon. This episode has the regular rotation of panelists for the show: Zach Joiner (@spideyduderadio), Neil Bogenrieder (@quilsniv), Paul Hermann (@Hermann_22), and Adam Schingle (@enchiladalegs) doing…

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