Make Mine Mayday Episode 52: Spider-Verse… Part 1 Audio Edition

Finally… Spider-Verse! In one of our most anticipated episodes, we finally tackle the 2014 Spider-Man Event SPIDER-VERSE. In this episode, we will cover Amazing Spider-Man (Vol 3) 8-12, the first part of the story, with a second episode covering the rest. CREDITS:HOSTS: Kelly McDaniel and Zach JoinerGRAPHICS BY: Zach Joiner (Youtube Art), & Kelly McDaniel (Apple/Podcast Art)PRODUCER: Neil BogenriderEXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Zach Joiner & Kelly McDanielCO-FOUNDERS, SPIDEY-DUDE.COM: Zach and Dee JoinerCO-FOUNDERS: SPIDEYDUDE RADIO NETWORK: Zach Joiner & Joshua Lapin-Bertone Issues covered in this episode: ASM Vol 3 #8-12 [Covers Below] ABOUT MAKE MINE MAYDAY Make Mine Mayday was created by Kelly…