Voices from the Eyrie – 12 – Enter Macbeth

Emmy-Award winning composer, Carl Johnson, joins us alongside Greg Weisman to discuss this status-quo changing episode of “Gargoyles”. A variety of topics are discussed such as creating the soundtrack for this show, introducing Macbeth from straight out of the pages of William Shakespeare to the world of “Gargoyles”, Goliath being a great and flawed leader at the same time. Plus composing soundtracks for television today versus twenty to thirty years ago, themes of home and… it must be said, the episode’s less than stellar animation. Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Audible, Spotify, and your podcatcher of choice! Follow…

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ASM Classics Episode 45: (Season 2 Episode 1) Amazing Spider-Man #1 and #2

Welcome back, Web-Heads, to the all-new, all-different Amazing Spider-Man Classics! Join your new hosts, Jack Trujillo and his dad, Javi Trujillo, as they take a look at the amazing comics that shaped Spider-Man! Jack, a high schooler who is familiar with the Spider-Verse, has never read the stories that launched Peter Parker! So, his dad is going to correct this oversight!  This time, the duo discuss the launch of a new Amazing – Amazing Spider-Man! Jack and Javi talk the first two issues of the then-fledgling series, meaning they have four fantastic fables to confab about! Come witness the rise…

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Sal Buscema Era Episode 2: Spectacular Spider-Man 134-136 “Return of the Sin-Eater!”

WELCOME to the next episode of the Sal Buscema Era Podcast here on the Spidey-Dude Radio Network. We are coming over from another network and are glad to be here. Now we get into the Sal era proper with the Return of the Sin-Eater. This story was the first of Sal’s big return to the title since it began years ago. “Sin-Cere” Writer(s) Peter David Penciler(s) Sal Buscema Inker(s) Vince Colletta Colorist(s) Bob Sharen Letterer(s) Rick Parker Editor(s) Jim Salicrup

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Voices from the Eyrie – 11 – Deadly Force

Bill Fagerbakke (Broadway) joins us to discuss this seminal episode. We discuss the concept of repercussions, firearms safety, violence as entertainment; and despite the media, parents groups, and Madeline Levine’s book: “Viewing Violence” praised this episode; Disney pulled it from rotation for several years and how it’s still censored today. We discuss the development of Broadway and Elisa having a life outside of the gargoyles and so much more. This is not to be missed. Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Audible, Spotify, and your podcatcher of choice! Follow us on Twitter at: @FromEyrieVisit Jennifer L. Anderson’s online stores at: Angel…

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Make Mine Mayday Episode 31 Audio Edition: Spider-Girl 97-100

It’s here! We’ve been building ever so slowly towards this goal in mind: The Completion of the first volume of Spider-Girl. It was here that Mayday established a record that has never been matched: The ONLY Marvel Female-led title to make it to 100 issues without stopping, or without re-naming itself. A HUGE milestone Episode, debuting on a special night. Join us as we tackle the latest news on Spider-Girl’s world, and more.

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Spideydude Experience Episode 40: Season 2 Finale BEYOND Parts 18/19 & 92.BEY (ASM 893/894/92.BEY) Audio Edition

It’s here. The final Episode of Spideydude Experience Season 2: BEYOND Will Ben Reilly get out of this mess? What will happen to Janine? What’s up with Peter? MJ? Will Zach lose his mind? Or love the story? What’s next? ALL THIS AND MORE… Live!

The Sal Buscema Podcast Episode 1: The Death of Jean DeWolff

WELCOME to the first episode of the Sal Buscema Era Podcast here on the Spidey-Dude Radio Network. We are coming over from another network and are glad to be here. In this first episode of the podcast, we go over some of the history of the Spectacular Spider-man comic and talk about a story that is tied directly to the first of the Sal Buscema era network stories THE DEATH OF JEAN DEWOLF. This story was written by Peter David. “The Death of Jean DeWolff” is a four-part story arc featuring the popular Marvel Comics comic book superhero Spider-Man teaming up with…

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ASM Classics Season 2 Episode 0: The Dawn of a New Era (Legacy Episode #44)

Welcome back, Web-Heads, to the all-new, all-different Amazing Spider-Man Classics! Join your new hosts, Jack Trujillo and his dad, Javi Trujillo, as they take a look at the amazing comics that shaped Spider-Man! Jack, a high schooler who is familiar with the Spider-Verse, has never read the stories that launched Peter Parker! So, his dad is going to correct this oversight! On their inaugural episode, the duo discuss the legendary comic that started it all- Amazing Fantasy #15! From there, they dive into John Byrne’s take, Spider-Man: Chapter One #1! Rounding things out, they compare it to Ultimate Spider-Man #1-5! Come along for the ride as father and…

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