Slott Symposium Audio Edition Episode 1: Free Comic Book Day 2007, Brand New Day (ASM 546-548)/Peter Parker: Paparazzi! (ASM 559 561)

In this episode of the Slott Sympoisum, a Spideydude Experience co-production in association with The Comic Binge YouTube Channel, we cover the Free Comic Book Day 2007 issue, with the first chapters of a Brand New Day in Spider-Man’s publishing history. Slott introduces the Mysterious Mr. Negative, Devil’s Breath, and his webshooters are back! Then, we talk about Paper Doll and her obsessions with Bobby Carr, a world-famous Movie Star who has a mysterious new girlfriend. And how does Peter Parker’s world react to his new job as a Paparazzi? All this and more in this collaboration with The Comic…