Make Mine Mayday Episode 06: A-Next Audio Edition

After a sensational return, Zach and Kelly return to cover the one of the Other books that debuted during Year One of the MC2: A-NEXT! Originally minorly appearing in the first appearance of Spider-Girl (What IF!? 105/Spider-Girl 0) the Team would be teased in a back-up in SPIDER-GIRL 1, giving the first 5 pages. Witness: The Birth of the Next Avengers! The Birth of the Earth Sentry A-NEXT Vs. THE DEFENDERS (And Doc Magus) Introducing American Dream and her DREAM TEAM Dr. Doom… Protected by Stinger?! ARGO the Almighty! What’s Mainframe’s Damage? Ant-Man and Stinger TEAM UP THUNDERSTRIKE FIGHTS… and…