Voices from the Eyrie – 44 – Shadows of the Past

We kick off the World Tour by sitting down with Mallory Reaves (author and daughter of Michael Reaves and Brynne Chandler) to talk about her career as an accomplished author and her childhood in the Disney Studios while Gargoyles was in production. We also discuss “Shadows of the Past”, the phenomenal animation, and arguments with the overseas studio. Goliath’s optimism in the face of darkness. Ed Gilbert’s performance. Why they chose to do the World Tour in the first place, and a variety of other topics. And, especially, Michael and Brynne’s brilliant script. And Jennifer talks about the Kickstarter she…

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SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MEN #1 (2024) Comic Review

Hey everyone! Welcome to my first written review on Spidey-dude.com since Methuselah was a small child. Normally I wouldn’t write such things, as I am usually a podcaster here, but I felt that it was warranted since today is the launch day of The Spectacular Spider-Men. Since it was announced last November, I have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the book, and even did an episode of the Spideydude Experience, specifically to discuss the series and how it came about. Spectacular Spider-Men #1Written By: Greg WeismanPencils by: Humberto RamosInks: Victor OlazabaColors: Edgar DelgadoLetters by: VC’s Joe CaramagnaCover Art by:…

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Voices from the Eyrie – PSA – Greg Weisman Returns to Twitter!

We interrupt your regularly scheduled podcast to announce Greg Weisman’s return to Twitter after a horrendous hack back in December! Greg Weisman sat down with us to confirm his return and why he chose to return. We here at Voices from the Eyrie are, of course, grateful to have him back on Twitter and always grateful to his contributions to our podcast! Welcome back, Greg! Don’t forget to participate in the Kickstarter! Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Audible, Spotify, and your podcatcher of choice! And join us on Patreon for the Exclusive Video Edition! Although, not so-exclusive for this installment, as we’re…

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Voices from the Eyrie – 43 – The 30th Anniversary Celebration Begins!

We are back! We discuss the current Kickstarter Campaign Dynamite Comics is running to bring back the Gargoyles comics published by Marvel in the 90’s (featuring art by Amanda Conner!) and the canon Gargoyles comics published by SLG in the aughts; and we’re joined by Gargoyles’ colorist, Robby Bevard; Bad Guys artist, Karine Charlebois; and series creator, Greg Weisman!!! But we need your help! As of this posting, Greg Weisman’s Twitter account is still hacked, so he has been unable to use that platform to spread the word! So we need you, the fans, to come in! Spread the word!…

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Spidey-Dude Experience Episode 71: The Greg Weisman Interview

Zach, Greg, Neil, and Javi sit down with Spectacular Spider-Men writer Greg Weisman to discuss the origins, status quo, character dynamics, and the process of creating the new ongoing team-up series starring Peter Parker and Miles Morales! Spectacular Spider-Men Press Release Announcement: https://www.marvel.com/articles/comics/spectacular-spider-men-greg-weisman-humberto-ramos GARGOYLES KICKSTARTER: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dynamiteent/30th-anniversary-disney-gargoyles-collections-are-here CREDITS:HOSTS: Zach Joiner, Neil Bogenrider, Greg Bishasnsky, & Javi TrujilloGUEST: Greg Weisman (Gargoyles, SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MEN, The Spectacular Spider-Man: the Animated Series)GRAPHICS BY: Neil BogenriderPRODUCER: Neil BogenriderEXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Zach JoinerCO-FOUNDERS, SPIDEY-DUDE.COM: Zach and Dee JoinerCO-FOUNDERS: SPIDEYDUDE RADIO NETWORK: Zach Joiner & Joshua Lapin-Bertone ABOUT SPIDEY-DUDE.COM & THE SPIDEY-DUDE RADIO NETWORK: Spidey-dude.com was created in 1998…

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Voices from the Eyrie – 42 – Avalon Part Three

Brigitte Bako joins us to discuss her career as an actress, writer, producer and more. Being cast as Angela, playing a classical hero, and joining a series as a regular half-way through the second season. Themes of war, forgiveness, redemption and more are discussed with her and with Greg Weisman. The motivations of the Weird Sisters, the hubris of the Archmage, and the death of the Magus. The voice acting industry pre-pandemic versus where it is today is also talked about among many other topics. We also discuss news out of Toy Fair with new NECA Gargoyles figures revealed; the…

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Voices from the Eyrie – 41- Avalon Part Two

Greg Weisman, Frank Paur, and Dennis Woodyard join us to discuss Avalon Part Two! That’s right, we have a trio of producers on board! We discuss Dennis’s career, background, bringing a third producer on board and many memories. Dennis keeping a level head when production stress started getting to people. Fights on the beach! Time loops! David Warner acting opposite himself! Introducing Angela! And so much more! Be sure to check out the Background Memo on the episode for loads of material that didn’t make it into the final result. Of course, we also talk about the news that recently…

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Voices from the Eyrie – 40 – Avalon Part One

Karine Charlebois and Greg Weisman join us as we hop on board the skiff and head on off to the mystical isle of Avalon! Discussions range from the historical background of characters such as Kenneth II, Maol Chalvim II, Constantine III, Lady Finella and more. Sheena Easton’s voice acting. Constantine’s villainy and more. Plus the desire to do this triptych ultimately to build a more diverse Manhattan Clan… a mission which is still incomplete. All that and the spin-off that Greg Weisman would love to make, but would likely never be able to sell. Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts,…

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