Spideydude Experience Episode 96 Audio Edition

Zach and the Crew is talking ASM’s latest two issues, where Tombstone strikes and Peter finally gets a win on a date? What madness is this? In this, the beginning of the 4th year of the show.ALSO: Zach talks about the Comic Con he went to where he met up with John Romita Jr and Tom DeFlaco and plays a little show and tell to go along with it.CREDITS:HOSTS: Zach Joiner, & Adam SchingleGRAPHICS BY: Neil BogenriederEXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Zach JoinerCO-FOUNDERS, SPIDEY-DUDE.COM: Zach and Dee JoinerCO-FOUNDERS: SPIDEYDUDE RADIO NETWORK: Zach Joiner & Joshua Lapin-Bertone ABOUT SPIDEY-DUDE.COM & THE SPIDEY-DUDE RADIO NETWORK:…