Spideydude Experience Episode 63: The Website’s 25th Anniversary Special Audio Edition

On June 17th, 1998 Spideydude’s Spider-Man Page was born. 25 years later to the day, the show went live celebrating this milestone. Join Zach as he talks about the highs and lows of Spideydude and gives a monologue of the history of the website, it’s podcasting network before talking to fans from around the world. It’s a fun ride and can’t wait til next year. Voicemails and more! ABOUT SPIDEY-DUDE.COM & THE SPIDEY-DUDE RADIO NETWORK: Spidey-dude.com was created in 1998 as Spideydude’s Spider-Man Page, before becoming Spideydude.com, morphing into the current URL in 2011. The Spideydude Radio Network was established…