CSC Episode 58: Mini-Series Round-Up

HAPPY 2017 all!

As much as I posted on our Facebook page that we would be releasing this episode a while back, It’s finally here! Zach runs solo on this episode as he runs through the mini series that littered the Clone Saga and Ben Reilly Trades:

Venom: Along Came A Spider 1-4

Spider-Man/Punisher: Family Plot 1-2

Spider-Man Team Up 1-5

Annual 96

While there have been many episodes devoted to specific Mini-Series, I felt it best to cover them in one fell swoop. I hope you enjoy this episode, and let us know:
Twitter: @SpideydudeRadio
Facebook: @Spideydudenetwork
VM Line: 818-925-6631

Zach Joiner

Zach Joiner

Zach Joiner is the co-founder of the Spideydude Radio Network and the Co-founder of the website that hosts it, He hosts the Spideydude Experience on YouTube (and your favorite Podcast Catcher) He Co-Hosts Make Mine Mayday with Kelly McDaniel on YouTube, as well as the Patreon First Show BOOKS of X with Neil Bogenrider He hosted Clone Saga Chronicles, was a Co-Host on Spectacular Radio, & Mayday Mondays, and helps run things here on the website. If there is a problem, reach out on Twitter @spideydude or @spideyduderadio or on Instagram @spideydudenetwork or Email is [email protected]

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