Spectacular Sal Buscema Ep #21: Spectacular Spider-Man #156

Tonigh we have a single issue of Spectacular to review in a very Deliverance/ Hills Have Eyes creepy monster misunderstood way. Think of that Batman Animated Series episode Freakshow with Killer Croc. Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Sal Buscema Letterer(s) Rick Parker Editor(s) Jim Salicrup Inker Mike Esposito Colorist Bob Sharen

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Review: Amazing Spider-Man #63

“Ha ha. No.“ Amazing Spider-Man vol. 5 #63 April 7, 2021 Written by: Nick Spencer Art by: Federico Vicentini Recap Norman Osborn is monologuing to the ice-cubed Kindred about how sorry he is (even though no one else had long-term changes coming from the Sin Eater thing). It pulls back to reveal that Kingpin is watching this scene and inviting Baron Mordo to work magic on KIndred. (Has Mordo ever succeeded at any magical task? Ever?) Spider-Man and Boomerang are fighting Hammerhead and his goons. . Then Owl and his goons show up. Robbie and Tombstone react to the Beetle-Robbie…

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Review: Amazing Spider-Man #61

“[I]t’s obviously a trap.” Amazing Spider-Man vol. 5 #61 March 10, 2021 Written by: Nick Spencer Art by: Patrick Gleason Recap So we start with a close up on <strike>the Joker’s</strike> Kindred’s black-blood stained mouth. And then we get a splash page of Spider-Man disrupting a Shocker/Speed Demon/Hydro Man robbery with a promise that the book won’t be so gritty for the next arc or so. We cut to a meeting between Kingpin and gang bosses Kingpin asks the bosses to stop or kill Boomerang to which the entire room responds, “I hate that guy.” Apparently, Peter and Boomerang have…

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REVIEW: Amazing Spider-Man #54

“Is it really to make Peter apologize for Brand New Day?”” Amazing Spider-Man vol. 5 #54 December 9, 2020 Written by: Nick Spencer Art by: Mark Bagley Recap  Harry, still looking like Norman, says he has to stop Spider-Man.  Spider-Man, realizing his new deadly enemy is just Harry in a new costume, starts fighting back with a series of unanswered punches and kicks.  As Peter fights, he gives a speech about how he will always fight for his friends until he is dead.  Then, Kindred beats on Peter, saying that death is nothing and that the fight is not about…

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“Martin Li Hangs Out Inside.“ Amazing Spider-Man vol. 5 #59 February 10, 2021 Written by: Nick Spencer Art by: Marcelo Ferreira Recap Martin Li explains to Aunt May that he killed the real Martin Li, and he is just Armin Tamzarian when he’s not Mister Negative. Norman tells Liz that she can see Harry, who looks bad. Then we get an intercut montage of three scenes: (1) Li and May trying to escape through the tunnels, (2) Spider-Man fighting Mr. Negative’s demons, and (3) Liz seeing Harry as Kindred for the first time (I have my doubts.) Two of the…

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REVIEW: Amazing Spider-Man #53LR

“He was once the biggest and the baddest.  Now he’s just a snack . . . . “ Amazing Spider-Man vol. 5 #53LR November 25, 2020 Written by: Nick Spencer & Matthew Rosenberg Art by: Federico Vicentini & Takeshi Miyazawa Recap Morlun hungrily chases a scent and smiles as he sees Man-Spiders that he consumes.  Sin Eater approaches and tries to kill Morlun, but he’s clearly outmatched.  Just as Morlun is about to eat Sin Eater, Sin Eater pulls a rope that fires a hidden shotgun. Dr. Strange is leading the Order of the Web through Peter’s dreamscape from Amazing Spider-Man…

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REVIEW: Amazing Spider-Man #58

“Look. It’s Liz. “ Amazing Spider-Man vol. 5 #58 January 27, 2021 Written by: Nick Spencer Art by: Mark Bagley Recap We open with Spider-Man remembering his fight with Kindred and bemoaning some sins. Then we see he’s fighting a horde of Mr. Negative lackeys/”demons” with glowy swords. We then cut back to Martin Li explaining that Mr. Negative was a dominant figure in his psyche, that Sin Eater freed him, and that now Mr. Negative is trying to take control back. Li has been blacking out and Mr. Negative planned for his demons to attack him. Then Peter goes to…

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REVIEW: Amazing Spider-Man #53

“Well, Spider-Man is dead. “ Amazing Spider-Man vol. 5 #53 November 18, 2020 Written by: Nick Spencer Art by: Mark Bagley Recap Well, Spider-Man is dead.  So what happens now in Amazing Spider-Man? We see a blond woman sleeping and then we see Kindred standing over Peter Parker. Peter wakes up in his old house, the day of “the party” from Amazing Spider-Man #47 (and Deadpool #11).  Specifically, it is a party in honor of Flash Thompson, who will serve in Vietnam.  But there are sinister clues that this is a nightmare—not time travel.   Harry Osborne arrives with Carly Cooper…

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