Spectacular Sal Buscema Era #25: Web of Spider-Man #60 & Amazing Spider-Man 328

Chris and Drew DONT cover a issue of Spectacular Spider-Man on here unfortunately but we do have COSMIC SPIDEY Part 3 with two crossover issues to the event as Spider-Man fights Goliath and The Grey Hulk Mr Fixit as part of the ACTS of VENGENACE crossover event. Web#60 The Harder They Fall Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Alex Saviuk Inker Keith Williams Colorist Bob Sharen Letterer Rick Parker Editor Jim Salicrup Amazing # 328 Shaw’s Gambit Writer David Michelinie Penciler Todd McFarlane Inker Al Gordon Colorist Bob Sharen Letterer Rick Parker Editor Jim Salicrup

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Spideydude Experience Mini-Episode: Erica Schultz Audio Interview!

In a crossover episode with Chris Denmead of the Sal Buscema Era Podcast‘s Radio of Horror Radio-Show, Zach and Chris had the pleasure of interviewing the writer of HALLOW’S EVE, the 5-issue mini-series starring Elizabeth Tyne aka Janine Godbe the girl who was romantically involved with Ben Reilly during Ben’s 5 lost years. Introduced in 1995’s Spider-Man: The Lost Years mini-series co-created by J. M. DeMatteis and John Romita Jr. we learned of the past that they both were tortured souls, and were running away from their respective pasts. After appearing in the follow up mini-series Spider-Man: Redemption, though she…

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Spideydude Experience Episode 61: Amazing Spider-Man #26 (2023) Review Audio Edition Season 3 Finale

Books Reviewed in this Episode: Amazing Spider-Man Vol VI 26. News Discussed on this Episode: Entertainment Weekly Article about Kamala Khan’s Death, Marvel’s Press Release.About this Episode: Zach and Crew talk about the finale to Zeb Wells first year on Amazing Spider-Man. By the time this episode comes out, we will know what EXACTLY Peter did… the question remains… where do we go from here? The Season 3 Finale! Season 4 begins with issue 27/28! Zach talks about the recent team up he had across the spider-verse… of podcasts and more.Featured in this Episode: Zach Joiner, Chris Denmead (Guest), Josh…

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Spideydude Experience Episode 57: Amazing Spider-Man 915/916 Review Audio Edition

Books Reviewed in this Episode: Amazing Spider-Man Vol 6 #21 (Legacy #915) & Amazing Spider-Man Vol 6 #22 (Legacy #916) News Discussed in this episode: New Across the Spider-Verse promo pics (after it hits the shelves). Ike Pearlmutter is gone. The End of A Marvel Era? Zach, Special guests Chris Denmead (Sal Buscema Podcast), Top Patreon Supporter Venk-Man & Adam tackle the first two parts of the arc that answers the burning year-long question: WHAT DID PETER DO?! While answers were few for the opening issue, does part two bring answers? ABOUT SPIDEY-DUDE.COM & THE SPIDEY-DUDE RADIO NETWORK: Spidey-dude.com was…

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Sal Buscema Era Podcast Episode #20: Web of #55 and Spectacular #155

We are back to wrap up the Lobo Brothers Wolf Storyline In Web and Continue Robbie Prison Problems with his fututre Brother in Law Tombstone over in Spectacular. Web of Spider-Man # 55 Showdown Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Alex Saviuk Inker Keith Williams Colorist Bob Sharen Letterer Rick Parker Editor Jim Salicrup Spectacular Spider-Man #155 Crashout Crash Out Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Sal Buscema Inker Mike Esposito Colorist Bob Sharen Letterer Rick Parker Editor Jim Salicrup

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Sal Buscema Era Podcast Ep #19: Web of #54 and Spectacular # 154

We are back with two more issues being covered continung this weird Mutant Werewolf Gang War with Chamelon and Kingpin and Tombstone and more. With Web of Spider-Man #54 and Spectacular Spider-Man # 154. The Wolves of War Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Alex Saviuk Inker Keith Williams Colorist Bob Sharen Letterer Rick Parker Editor Jim Salicrup Claws Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Sal Buscema Inker Sal Buscema Colorist Bob Sharen Letterer Rick Parker Editor Jim Salicrup

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Sal Buscema Era Podcast Ep 5: Spectacular #140

We are back with the second part of the original TOMBSTONE story line in the issue of Spectacular Spider-Man we are covering. This time we are joined by the cohost of the Hack/Slash Podcast GOTH GIRL HORROR Charsie Lux, as well as Leo from his network. KILL ZONE 7/88 Writer Gerry Conway Penciler Sal Buscema Inker Sal Buscema Colorist Bob Sharen Letterer Rick Parker Editor(s) Jim SalicrupGlenn Herdling

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