Spectacular Spideydude Experience Episode 7 (Legacy 98)

Books Reviewed in this Episode: Spectacular Spider-Men #7News Discussed on this Episode: Hasbro Pulse Con Reveals, NYCC 2024 Panels announcedThis time, Zach and the crew tackle the finale of the first arc of Spectacular Spider-Men’s opening salvo into the publishing world. All things are coming to a head. Everything is on the line as Miles and Peter have to navigate the Arcadium. Will they survive the menace of… KNAIVE?! CREDITS:HOSTS: Zach Joiner, Adam Schingle, Javi Trujillo, Neil Bogenrieder & Josh PchajekGRAPHICS BY: Neil BogenriederPRODUCER: Neil BogenriederEXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Zach JoinerCO-FOUNDERS, SPIDEY-DUDE.COM: Zach and Dee JoinerCO-FOUNDERS: SPIDEYDUDE RADIO NETWORK: Zach Joiner &…

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15 Years Ago Today… Clone Saga Chronicles was born. Thus, the Spideydude Radio Network was born.

15 years ago, Joshua Lapin-Bertone and I released our very first podcast together. It was a last minute thing, something we were discussing when putting the show together and realized that there was a LOT of context to what we were going to talk about once the MAIN show started. Basically, we knew that we needed to discuss the original 1970s clone saga, and Josh was right. But I’m going to freely admit, that I wasn’t as prepared as I should’ve been. I had forgotten certain parts of the saga and Josh spent half the episode embarrassingly correcting my mis-remembering…

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Ultimate Spideydude Experience Episode 8 (Legacy 97)

Peter and Harry confronted by Iron Man! Jonah and Ben! Family hijinks! Zach and the crew are back with more.HOSTS: Zach Joiner, Adam Schingle, Javi Trujillo, Neil BogenriederGRAPHICS BY: Neil BogenriederPRODUCER: Neil BogenriederEXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Zach JoinerCO-FOUNDERS, SPIDEY-DUDE.COM: Zach and Dee JoinerCO-FOUNDERS: SPIDEYDUDE RADIO NETWORK: Zach Joiner & Joshua Lapin-Bertone ABOUT SPIDEY-DUDE.COM & THE SPIDEY-DUDE RADIO NETWORK:Spidey-dude.com was created in 1998 as Spideydude’s Spider-Man Page, before becoming Spideydude.com, morphing into the current URL in 2011. The Spideydude Radio Network was established in 2009 with the creation of the Clone Saga Chronicles Podcast and its sister Shows: Spectacular Radio, Mayday Mondays, and…

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Spideydude Experience Episode 96 Audio Edition

Zach and the Crew is talking ASM’s latest two issues, where Tombstone strikes and Peter finally gets a win on a date? What madness is this? In this, the beginning of the 4th year of the show.ALSO: Zach talks about the Comic Con he went to where he met up with John Romita Jr and Tom DeFlaco and plays a little show and tell to go along with it.CREDITS:HOSTS: Zach Joiner, & Adam SchingleGRAPHICS BY: Neil BogenriederEXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Zach JoinerCO-FOUNDERS, SPIDEY-DUDE.COM: Zach and Dee JoinerCO-FOUNDERS: SPIDEYDUDE RADIO NETWORK: Zach Joiner & Joshua Lapin-Bertone ABOUT SPIDEY-DUDE.COM & THE SPIDEY-DUDE RADIO NETWORK:…

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Spectacular Spideydude Experience Episode 95 Audio Edition

Books Reviewed in this Episode:Spectacular Spider-Men #6Chapter #6: FulfillmentWritten By: Greg WeismanPencils by: Humberto RamosInks by: Victor Olazaba w/ Humberto RamosColors by: Edgar DelgadoLetters by: VC’s Joe CaramagnaProduction: Gabriel MataAssistant Editor: Kaeden McGaheyEditor: Nick LoweEditor-In-Chief: C.B. Cebulski NOTE: This isn’t the complete video, for the full video go to our Patreon. News Discussed on this Episode:Kraven The Hunter Trailer DropsNew Marvel LegendsD23 Reveals “Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man” CREDITS:HOSTS: Zach Joiner, Adam Schingle, Javi Trujillo, Neil Bogenrieder & Josh PchajekGRAPHICS BY: Neil BogenriederPRODUCER: Neil BogenriederEXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Zach JoinerCO-FOUNDERS, SPIDEY-DUDE.COM: Zach and Dee JoinerCO-FOUNDERS: SPIDEYDUDE RADIO NETWORK: Zach Joiner & Joshua Lapin-Bertone ABOUT…

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SpideyDude Experience Episode 93: Spider-Man: Shadow of the Green Goblin 3 & 4 Review Audio Edition

Books Reviewed in this Episode: Spider-Man: Shadow of the Goblin 3 & 4 News Discussed on this Episode: JMD gets his Omni in 2025! CREDITS: HOSTS: Zach Joiner, Ashley Renee, Adam Schingle, Greg Bishansky, Neil Bogenrieder GRAPHICS BY: Neil Bogenrieder PRODUCER: Neil Bogenrieder EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Zach Joiner CO-FOUNDERS, SPIDEY-DUDE.COM: Zach and Dee Joiner CO-FOUNDERS: SPIDEYDUDE RADIO NETWORK: Zach Joiner & Joshua Lapin-Bertone ABOUT SPIDEY-DUDE.COM & THE SPIDEY-DUDE RADIO NETWORK: Spidey-dude.com was created in 1998 as Spideydude’s Spider-Man Page, before becoming Spideydude.com, morphing into the current URL in 2011. The Spideydude Radio Network was established in 2009 with the creation of…

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Spideydude Experience Episode 92 (ASM 53/54 Review) & SDCC RECAP Audio Edition

Zach & the Crew finishes up the finale of the Spider-Goblin! Books Reviewed in this Episode: ASM Vol 6 #53 & #54 Main Covers Below: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #53 & #54 (Legacy #947/948)Written By Zeb WellsPencils By: Todd Nauck and Ed McGuinness (issue 53)Ed McGuinness (Issue 54)Inks By: Todd Nauck & Wade Von Garwbadger (Issue 53) Mark Farmer, Mark Morales, Wade Von Grawbadger and Ed McGuiness (Issue 54)Colors by: Marcio MenyzLetters by: VC Joe CaramangaEditor: Nick LoweAssociate Editor: Tom GornemanAssistant Editor: Kaden McGaheyEditor in Chief: CB CebulskiSPIDER-MAN CREATED BY: STAN LEE & STEVE DITKOVariant Cover Artists: Gabrelle Dell’Otto (interconnecting) ABOUT SPIDEY-DUDE.COM…

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Spectacular Spideydude Experience Episode 4, (Legacy 90) Audio Edition

Books Reviewed in this Episode: Spectacular Spider-Men #4 (2024) Spectacular Spider-Men #4Chapter 4: The PitchWritten By: Greg WeismanPencils by: Humberto RamosInks: Victor OlazabaColors: Edgar DelgadoLetters by: VC’s Joe CaramagnaCover Art by: Humberto Ramos and Edgar DegadoAshley, Zach, Neil, and Adam are back to talk about the 4th issue of Spectacular Spider-Men, where we learn more about who is behind the nefarious plot! Plus: They react to the news of Joe Kelly being announced as the new writer, with Justina Ireland, of Amazing Spider-Man. Along with that, they talk about Spider-Man: Regin 2‘s alleged use of AI backgrounds within the issue….

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