Welcome to the Audio version of the fourth episode of Spideydude Experience!

Welcome to the fourth episode of the Brand-New Show on the Spideydude Radio Network, The Spideydude Experience! It’s an episode that covers the first 5 issues of the Amazing Spider-Man comic that launched its 5th volume in 2018 with Nick Spencer, writer of CAPTIAN AMERICA, & THE SUPERIOR FOES OF SPIDER-MAN. We pick up where we left off last time, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Vol 5 #16-23 and 16.1, 17.1, 18.1 19.1 Collected in the HUNTED Trade Paperback.
This episode Introduces the regular rotation of panelists for the show: Zach Joiner (@spideyduderadio), Paul Hermann (@Hermann_22), and Adam Schingle (@enchiladalegs) before doing a deep dive into the stories. These were originally two episodes that were going to come out separately, but were combined into one episode, both the Video and Audio were done this way.
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