Welcome to the third episode of the Brand-New Show on the Spideydude Radio Network, The Spideydude Experience! It’s an episode that covers the next 5 issues of the Amazing Spider-Man comic that launched its 5th volume in 2018 with Nick Spencer, writer of CAPTAIN AMERICA, IRREDEEMABLE ANT-MAN & THE SUPERIOR FOES OF SPIDER-MAN. The story of this episode is collected in VOL III: LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT. Audio at the very bottom, and the video is embedded below.
This episode Introduces the regular rotation of panelists for the show: Zach Joiner (@spideyduderadio), Neil Bogenrieder (@quilsniv), Paul Hermann (@Hermann_22), and Adam Schingle before doing a deep dive into the stories. We hope you enjoy, leave a like, share and subscribe, and click the notification bell icon to be updated when a new episode debuts, or follow our social media and join our discord for more: https://www.facebook.com/spideydudera… https://www.twitter.com/spideyduderadio https://www.instagram.com/spideyduden… https://discord.gg/wDCGue4
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