New Amazing Spider-Man Team announced, Zach has some thoughts.

The Banner above was brazenly put upon the Cover to Spectacular Spider-Man 229, back then MJ and Peter were leaving to start their family, in Portland Oregon. At the time, the change was intended to be final. Ben Reilly was going to pick up the mantle and run with it. Yesterday, Teasers started to be sent out: Earlier today, Marvel released a press release informing everyone of their intentions for the post-Nick Spencer-Led AMAZING SPIDER-MAN. While they teased things on social media yesterday, the fact of the matter is simple: Ben Reilly is returning, as Spider-Man. So after 25 years,…

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BREAKING NEWS: Alfred Molina RETURNS as Doc Ock?!

Boy, is it a big day here in Spider-Man Fandom. After years of longing to see some of the old villains show up in the new MCU Spider-Man Sony/Marvel collaboration, it seems that one of this is confirmed by multiple news outlets, but first reported by the Hollywood Reporter. Alfred Molina is putting back on the metal arms and will reprise his role as the villainous Doctor Octopus, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter. Molina turned in a fan-favorite performance in Sam Raimi’s 2004 sequel Spider-Man 2 as Otto Octavius, a brilliant scientist who becomes an eight-limbed villain who pushed Toby Maguire’s Spider-Man to the…

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