Spideydude Experience Episode 4: HUNTED… the Complete Saga (ASM 817-824, Vol V 16.1-19.1) Audio Edition

Welcome to the Audio version of the fourth episode of Spideydude Experience! Welcome to the fourth episode of the Brand-New Show on the Spideydude Radio Network, The Spideydude Experience! It’s an episode that covers the first 5 issues of the Amazing Spider-Man comic that launched its 5th volume in 2018 with Nick Spencer, writer of CAPTIAN AMERICA, & THE SUPERIOR FOES OF SPIDER-MAN. We pick up where we left off last time, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Vol 5 #16-23 and 16.1, 17.1, 18.1 19.1 Collected in the HUNTED Trade Paperback. This episode Introduces the regular rotation of panelists for the show: Zach…

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Spideydude Experience Episode 3: Lifetime Achievement (ASM 812-816) Audio Editon

Welcome to the third episode of the Brand-New Show on the Spideydude Radio Network, The Spideydude Experience! It’s an episode that covers the next 5 issues of the Amazing Spider-Man comic that launched its 5th volume in 2018 with Nick Spencer, writer of CAPTAIN AMERICA, IRREDEEMABLE ANT-MAN & THE SUPERIOR FOES OF SPIDER-MAN. The story of this episode is collected in VOL III: LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT. Audio at the very bottom, and the video is embedded below. This episode Introduces the regular rotation of panelists for the show: Zach Joiner (@spideyduderadio), Neil Bogenrieder (@quilsniv), Paul Hermann (@Hermann_22), and Adam Schingle before…

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REVIEW: Amazing Spider-Man #53LR

“He was once the biggest and the baddest.  Now he’s just a snack . . . . “ Amazing Spider-Man vol. 5 #53LR November 25, 2020 Written by: Nick Spencer & Matthew Rosenberg Art by: Federico Vicentini & Takeshi Miyazawa Recap Morlun hungrily chases a scent and smiles as he sees Man-Spiders that he consumes.  Sin Eater approaches and tries to kill Morlun, but he’s clearly outmatched.  Just as Morlun is about to eat Sin Eater, Sin Eater pulls a rope that fires a hidden shotgun. Dr. Strange is leading the Order of the Web through Peter’s dreamscape from Amazing Spider-Man…

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Make Mine Mayday Episode 04: The Pat Olliffe Conversation Audio Edtion

In this Episode: Zach and Kelly have a conversation with Legendary Artist Extraordinaire, Pat Olliffe! This Conversation includes:-A Look at Pat’s early career, and how he started out.-How he landed the Spider-Girl Gig-Discussions about the creative processes– His new venture, EDGEWORLD, a Comixology Exclusive.

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Amazing Spider-Man Classics Episode 34: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol II) #1

The DC Relaunch has sent the Classics gang back in time to November 1998, the month of the Spider-Man reboot!  Join 19-year-old Jon Wilson, 13-year-old Josh Bertone, and little 9-year-old Donovan Grant as they try to make heads or tails of the new John Byrne premiere series, The Amazing Spider-Man, volume TWO! Due to the unique theme of this episode, there are no emails read this episode, but if you would like to share your thoughts on the stories we cover or the episode itself, and have them read on the air in the future, let us know!

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REVIEW: Amazing Spider-Man #58

“Look. It’s Liz. “ Amazing Spider-Man vol. 5 #58 January 27, 2021 Written by: Nick Spencer Art by: Mark Bagley Recap We open with Spider-Man remembering his fight with Kindred and bemoaning some sins. Then we see he’s fighting a horde of Mr. Negative lackeys/”demons” with glowy swords. We then cut back to Martin Li explaining that Mr. Negative was a dominant figure in his psyche, that Sin Eater freed him, and that now Mr. Negative is trying to take control back. Li has been blacking out and Mr. Negative planned for his demons to attack him. Then Peter goes to…

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Amazing Spider-Man Classics Episode 33: Amazing Spider-Man 47

Welcome back to Amazing Spider-Man Classics for a truly classic issue of the Stan Lee/John Romita era.  We have Gwen, we have Mary Jane, we have Flash, Harry, and the ESU gang, we have Betty and Ned even though we’re not sure why, and we have Kraven the Hunter, now with 100% more LASER NIPPLES!!! And! As a special added treat, Josh and Don finally settle the question once and for all of Gwen and Flash and exactly what happened between them. Joining us once again is Tyler Crone, whom you have have heard on Of Mercs and Mutants, From…

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REVIEW: Amazing Spider-Man #53

“Well, Spider-Man is dead. “ Amazing Spider-Man vol. 5 #53 November 18, 2020 Written by: Nick Spencer Art by: Mark Bagley Recap Well, Spider-Man is dead.  So what happens now in Amazing Spider-Man? We see a blond woman sleeping and then we see Kindred standing over Peter Parker. Peter wakes up in his old house, the day of “the party” from Amazing Spider-Man #47 (and Deadpool #11).  Specifically, it is a party in honor of Flash Thompson, who will serve in Vietnam.  But there are sinister clues that this is a nightmare—not time travel.   Harry Osborne arrives with Carly Cooper…

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