REVIEW: Amazing Spider-Man #57

“[L]ike watching the bowling ball slowly roll back up.“ Amazing Spider-Man vol. 5 #57 January 13, 2021 Written by: Nick Spencer Art by: Mark Bagley Recap We open with Kingpin and Osborn hauling Kindred away. Kindred narrates that Spider-Man should enjoy the “happy ending.” Spider-Man and Mary Jane share a confusing reunion. The Order of the Web then asks him what happened. He said, “I don’t know.” Spider-Gwen tells them all he’s holding back but Madame Web says they will discuss it later. We cut forward to the end of the last issue. Spider-Man bullies Osborn, demanding answers. Norman says…

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Spectacular Radio Episode 50: “Opening Night” Fan-Panel

PENULTIMATE FAN-PANEL! Greg, Zach, and Gerard have a heavy and healthy discussion about this one. Differing opinions across the board as the trio discuss subjective opinions, personal taste, and genuine execution. Discussions include a debate on the Vault Prison, and how Zach’s Experiences as a correctional officer differ or are the same as depicted, a lively debate on the subject of Shakespeare and how it’s used as a framing device in this episode of the series, and much more. Note: This was recorded before the previous episode!   We need YOUR feedback for our finale! Send us an email at,…

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REVIEW: Amazing Spider-Man #56

“[T]his feels like a season premiere of a good television show.” Amazing Spider-Man vol. 5 #56 January 6, 2021 Written by: Nick Spencer Art by: Mark Bagley Recap We start with a flashback in which Norman Osborn agrees to help Mayor Fisk capture Kindred and Mayor Fisk admits to dabbling in the Darkforce Dimension. We then flash somewhat forward to see that Fisk has rigged the Spot to imprison Kindred in a darkforce cube (well, rectangular prism). We finally arrive at the present in a futuristic room at Ravencroft where technicians explain that the cube is holding Kindred prisoner, but…

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Spectacular Radio Episode 49: “Opening Night” With Greg Weisman and Jennifer L. Anderson

It’s The Spectacular Shakespeare Podcast! Greg, Greg Weisman, and Jennifer L. Anderson discuss their fondness for the Bard’s work, favorite plays, and how “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” was integrated into the penultimate episode. Following that, they discuss elevating Walter Hardy to a much more influential figure in Spidey’s life, and their own experiences on stage.

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CSC Episode 75: DC vs. Marvel

After 10 years, we are winding down the show. Back in 2010, Zach guest appeared on the 104th episode of Michael Bailey’s Views From the Longbox to discuss the Clone Saga. Zach always wanted to bring him onto the show, but never felt that it was the right way to do so. However, after going through the list of appearances of Ben Reilly, there was one story that he had never covered: Marvel Vs. DC. In what would be the first trade paperback he would ever own, Zach knew there were three people that he wanted to bring forward: Michael,…

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BREAKING NEWS: Alfred Molina RETURNS as Doc Ock?!

Boy, is it a big day here in Spider-Man Fandom. After years of longing to see some of the old villains show up in the new MCU Spider-Man Sony/Marvel collaboration, it seems that one of this is confirmed by multiple news outlets, but first reported by the Hollywood Reporter. Alfred Molina is putting back on the metal arms and will reprise his role as the villainous Doctor Octopus, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter. Molina turned in a fan-favorite performance in Sam Raimi’s 2004 sequel Spider-Man 2 as Otto Octavius, a brilliant scientist who becomes an eight-limbed villain who pushed Toby Maguire’s Spider-Man to the…

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Amazing Spider-Man Classics Episode 31: ASM 44 & 45

The Classics gang is heading into the summer with the weightiest question of all Spider-Man history.  Did Gwen and Flash date?  The answer may surprise you, Marvelites!  Join Jon, Josh, and Don as they take a look at Amazing Spider-Man 44 and 45, which also, by random happenstance, also feature the return of Dr. Curt Connors as the Lizard.

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